My story
I was found in the street when I was about six months old. I already had problems with my eyes and a very nice lady from the local association took me in and looked after me for more than two years. I have no idea where the rest of my family is but because I tested positive for FeLV I had to be isolated from the other cats that were being looked after at the time. I had my own room but I know the lady was trying to find me a proper home. Sadly, in the two and a half years I was with the lady, not a single person wanted me.
In October 2024 I developed pneumonia and had to be rushed to the emergency vet where I stayed for a few days until I was stable enough to leave. However, the room where I had been living all this time was no longer ideal so the nice lady made a desperate appeal to find me a temporary foster home as I needed to
be kept warm. Her call was answered, and I soon found myself in a nice warm room where I could snuggle up to the radiator and a hot water bottle. I believe I am here to stay!
Life today
Well, I don’t make things easy for anybody! I had been having problems with my teeth and was having trouble eating as I was in a lot of pain. An appointment was made for me and in December 2024 I had all of my bottom teeth removed, a few from the top, and the rest scrubbed clean. Ouch! I am much more comfortable now even if I still try to look for my missing teeth – they must be here somewhere, plus the tooth fairy owes me a fortune!
Anyway, I also have renal problems which nobody can do anything about but it means that I am only allowed to eat certain food and have to be very careful to drink enough each day. Well, like I said, I like to give my slaves a challenge! You should see the layout of tins and pouches in my room – senior, renal, mousse, biscuits, drinks – this buffet is amazing! However, I am very fussy and like to have something different for every meal. There’s nothing better than the sound of a new tin or pouch being opened (and the sigh of relief from my slaves when I tuck in). I also have supplements for my kidneys and my immune system.
My future
I have met all the residents and love to sit with them by the fire. Nobody bothers me and I don’t bother anybody either, so it’s been a very smooth transition. I am taken back to my room for my meals and drinks and then I come out again. I have been up and down the stairs and explored every room so I’m getting my exercise, which then makes me hungry… hang on, I see what they did there.
I am neutered and very handsome.
I am FeLV+, blind and I have renal problems, but I still have a zest for life and intend to make the most of it.
I am about three and a half years old but underweight for my age, so I have to eat, eat, eat! A few weeks after my dental I finally got my appetite back and now I enjoy nothing more than tucking into a bowl of renal and senior food.
Star Qualities
I am the Joker.
I love to play with the water bowl and slosh all the water around until there is more on the floor than in the bowl. Well, a cat’s got to have a hobby!